Show, don’t tell.

If you don’t already know, (I’m kind of a big deal) this semester I’m writing for the Columbia Missourian newspaper. I cover sports and more specifically golf and volleyball until wrestling season begins, when I’ll add that to my beat as well.

Thus far in the semester I have had trouble showing, not telling in my first two articles. Showing, not telling is a phrase that writers use to describe the act of describing things and letting the reader see the image as apposed to simply telling the reader what happened.

My stories have been full of necessary facts but I have struggled to put my own narrative spin on them because I haven’t covered any events live.

I’m exited to get my first opportunity to cover some events next week and test my more creative writing side, well at least as creative as journalism allows.

Check my twitter: @joshhesseltine and for future and precious articles.

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