Changing Times

The only way to be a fully effective journalist in this day and age is to be skilled at several different mediums.  Whether it is video, audio, or writing, being really skilled at one of these is ideal, however, if you are not skilled in other mediums, you are not nearly the asset to a news organization that you could be.  Having a vast skill-set makes you applicable to more jobs and an overall better journalist.

Being a fan of the Dallas Cowboys, I’m always looking for the easiest way to get news and become the most informed I can be. is the best site for team news that I have found.  The site offers a nice mix of solid writing and multimedia. has several writers who each participate in videos and radio along with their text.  I enjoy the many different ways the site offers information because it makes the experience more stimulating.

Since the Internet has boomed over the past decade, a journalist can no longer be a “one trick pony.”  Today, most stories offer either video and, or audio to go along with the text.  A story that is only text has an incomplete feeling. Consumers want to read what the journalist writes but they also want to feel like they’ve received everything that is available about a topic.  The adage “a picture say a thousand words” is exactly what the reader is looking for.  Great writing can give a reader an image of what happened, however, a video can add aspects to a story that are simply not possible with text alone.

Websites like are the type of media that will endure this changing news environment.  We are already seeing the print newspaper being weeded out by the Internet. People want their news as fast as possible and in the most effective ways available. Journalists, who do not have the skills to incorporate multimedia in their stories, will be weeded with the print newspaper.

Below are links to examples from

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